VET Schools and Colleges in Austria
This website contains a database in order to find vocational schools and colleges in upper secondary education in Austria - but sorry it's only in German. It is provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, DG for General and Vocational Education.
In Austria schools and colleges - in VET upper secondary education - provide technical and/or vocational training from the ninth school year, in addition to a broad general education. VET schools and higher colleges comprise:
Part-time vocational schools and prevocational schools
Schools and colleges of engineering, arts and crafts
Schools and colleges of business administration
Schools and colleges of management and services industries
Schools and colleges of tourism
Schools and colleges of fashion
Colleges of art and design
Colleges of product management and presentation
Schools of social occupations
Colleges of agriculture and forestry
Federal school of forestry
Federal sport academies
Teacher training colleges for early childhood education
Colleges of social pedagogy
including special courses and pilot projects. Many of them are provided for employed people.
Schools of vocational education (ISCED 3)
3-year course or 4-year course
the final exam is the Abschlussprüfung that enables to professional qualifications
some schools offer one-year and two-year courses (from ninth school year)
[Fachschule, Handelsschule]
Colleges of higher vocational education (ISCED 5)
five year course;
the final exam is the Reife- und Diplomprüfung (Reifeprüfung and VET Diploma) that opens up access to tertiary education and also to regulated professional activities.
4th to 5th grade of this programme as well as the educational achievement are ISCED 550 - short-cycle tertiary education
[Höherere Lehranstalt; Bildungsanstalt, Handelsakademie]
Other VET school types
Post-secondary Courses (ISCED 550), 4 - 6 semester; [Kolleg]
Add-on Courses (ISCED 550), 6 semester; [Aufbaulehrgang]
Foreperson and Master Craftsperson Courses (ISCED 550), 4 - 6 semester; [Werkmeisterschule, Meisterschule]
System of marks (grades) 1 = very good (best mark) 2 = well done 3 = satisfactory 4 = sufficient 5 = not sufficient (negative mark)
Duration of a school year: from September to June, in general 40 weeks of lessons per week: from 32 to 37 of a lesson: 45 min. or 50 min.